1. Announcements: Video project, Extra Credit TH pm, Paper due Thursday
2. Blog: Revise the section of your Thursday quiz on "responsibility and stress" by addressing it to a
LaGuardia student reader. Instead of writing to me, write to them - assume they have asked you the question, "How does a LaGuardia student have to be responsibile, and what are the stresses of college for you as a LaGuardia student?" You will answer based on your unique experiences.
If you didn't do the quiz or don't want to share your thoughts, procede with the following assignment:
Read Ying Ma's Facebook page for Chinese Girl in the Ghetto. Summarize what kinds of issues she's interested in, and what her basic feelings are about those issues. What are your reactions to her issues and perspectives? Blog about it. What would Omi and Winant say?
Do not post anything to her Facebook page. Simply observe.
Facebook page.
If you have time, read the first three reviews on her Amazon page. What are the reviewers saying they like about this book?
Amazon page.
Students that complete both blog assignments here are eligble for extra credit. They must produce blogs of at least 200 words to receive that credit.
3. Twitter. Tweet your initial reactions to Chinese Girl using that hashtag #cgg
4. Open lab.
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