Due Date: See Syllabus
Peer Review: See Syllabus
Goal: This essay will ask you to form an argument about racial formation in the novel Untouchable using 2-3 ideas from Racial Formation in the United States.
Description: This assignment asks students to address the novel Untouchable using concepts, or keywords, from our class discussion. Students will have to demonstrate fluency with at least 2-3 terms from the reading in Racial Formation, but they may decide to build their essay around just one idea, or two. The other terms could come into play in the supporting paragraphs.
Students are free to choose their own terms. Higher points will be awarded for more original usage, but all students can succeed with the essay using whatever terms they want. It's important for students to choose terms they feel comfortable with. Some may explain - or challenge - incidents, events, characters, moments, beliefs, attitudes, and/or values depicted in the novel.
To think through this assignment, students should turn to their class notes about Racial Formation and begin to consider how they may figure into the plot of the novel.The best method, in my opinion, for moving forward will be to
1) Review terms from Racial Formation
2) Review moments from Untouchable
3) Practice writing about scenes from Untouchable using terms from Racial Formation
4) Over time, students will develop a thesis statement based on what they find to be the most useful term, or terms, with which it to discuss the novel.
Good thoughts! Essay paper writing service assignment requires a skillful hand in writing high quality editing and proofreading. And manner in which you express yourself depends on the topic you have to write on.