Thursday, April 4, 2013

Class Agenda 4.4

1. Reading Quiz

2. Announcements
Class Monday: online. DO NOT ATTEND.
Students please text any student not in class right now!

3. Peer Edit - Sample Draft Suggestions - Before and After

5. conclusions

take essay into new direction
make connections with media stories (films, news, novels. plays, TV shows)
make connections with personal experience
point toward new ideas for thinking through issues
take risks with language and style

repeating the same claims
short, irrelevant paragraphs
boring, tired maxims

6. bibliographies
see key links
review book citations

. Reading Groups: Racial Formation in the United States

Class Discussion

How do we approach difficult texts and readings?

color-blind (1)
color-conscious (1)
racial formation (4)
ethnicity theory (4)

biologist perspectives (10)
race-relations cycle (10)

paradigms (11)
three central categories (12)

Group Discussion of Key Terms

1. ethnicity (15)
    rejection (20)
    differences (21-22)

2. class (24)
     false consciousness (31)
     ideology (31)
     centrality of race (34)

3. nation + colonialism (37)
   cultural nationalism (40)
   unify groups (41)
  race-based (47)

4. Summary

neglect (48)

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