Tuesday, April 9, 2013

DREAM Act Play This Friday

DREAM ACTS  - A  Reading & Panel Discussion. Created by The DREAM Act Union. Written by Chiori Miyagawa, Mia Chung, Jessica Litwak, Saviana Stanescu, and Andrea Thome. Directed by Handan Ozbilgin. Featuring: IHS & LAGCC Students

Fri, Apr 12 @ 4-6pm ● Little Theater
In Dream Acts, five undocumented students from Nigeria, Mexico, Ukraine, Korea, and Jordan relate stories of their extraordinary challenges in living ordinary lives under the Homeland Security radar. Each story is moving and urgent; some are funny, others are tragic, and through their experiences, we learn about the DREAM Act and the secret lives led by undocumented students.

A Staged Reading will be followed by Panel Discussion moderated by Saviana Stanescu. Panelists include Judith Sloan( Co-founder  EarSay, Co-writer Crossing the Boulevard)

For reservations, please email: rsvp-lpac@lagcc.cuny.edu

FREE Admission

Dream Acts is part of Rough Draft Festival@LPAC

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