Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Class Agenda 4.9

1. Turn in essays

2. Announcements

New Blog due Date: NOT TODAY or yesterday
Upcoming events: Green Week Thursday; Creative Writing Read-a-Thon; Literary LaGuardia; DREAM Act Play this Friday; Social Science Career Day.

questions and confusions

What is it like being a student in this college?

3. Twitter: Sign in to Twitter and give your thoughts about the novel "Untouchable." Tweet one: Overall impression(s). 2) Locate a passage, phrase, or word you found interesting or confusing. Tweet the page number and say what you found interesting or confusing.

4.Take this Survey.

5. In-class blog: Respond to the following in-class assignmment.

6. Group work: Racial Formation in the United States (continuing discussion from last week).

From Last Week: Review and Looking Ahead:

Class Discussion

How do we approach difficult texts and readings?

color-blind (1)
color-conscious (1)
racial formation (4)
ethnicity theory (4)

biologist perspectives (10)
race-relations cycle (10)

paradigms (11)
three central categories (12)

Group Discussion of Key Terms

1. ethnicity (15)
    rejection (20)
    differences (21-22)

2. class (24)
     false consciousness (31)
     ideology (31)
     centrality of race (34)

3. nation + colonialism (37)
   cultural nationalism (40)
   unify groups (41)
  race-based (47)

Assignment Two

7. Thinking through racial formation in Untouchable.

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