Monday, April 15, 2013

Fundraiser for Hurrican Sandy-hit New Yorkers

Are you looking for ways to support the many New Yorkers who are still struggling to get back on their feet after last year's Hurricane Sandy?  You are invited to join the Honors Student Advisory Committee (HSAC) to raise funds for hurricane -affected communities in the Far Rockaways this Wednesday, April 17.  HSAC's Coffee House provides a way for the LaGuardia community to support our fellow New Yorkers while enjoying the many performing talents at the college, engaging in witty conversations, and winning amazing raffle prizes.  Here's the deal:

Coffee House Fundraiser for Hurricane Sandy Recovery Efforts    Wednesday, April 17  4:00-7:00      Poolside Cafe

Coffee House Flyer:


* Over 20 Faculty and Student performances by singers and musicians, poets and rappers, dancers and light shows

* Guest speakers (Hurricane Sandy victims, Commission on Voluntary Service and Action, Smallwater, and more)

* Coffee, Tea, Pastries, Artisanal Cupcakes

* Fabulous Raffle Prizes (Designer Headphones, a Kindle, museum tickets, coffee gift basket, personal training session, restaurant dinners, singing lesson, art consultation, video camera lesson, swimming lesson, etc)

Let's all come together to show our brothers and sisters in the Rockaways that we at LaGuardia care!

Special Thanks to:  The President's Office, Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, Institutional Advancement, Events Office, Media Services, Student Government Association, Student Life, President's Society, Print Shop, CVSA/Smallwater, Performing Arts program, and the performers!!!

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